Unlock Your Potential for Longevity: The Intersection of ALMI, DEXA Scans, and Health

Unlock Your Potential for Longevity: The Intersection of ALMI, DEXA Scans, and Health

Dr. Peter Attia, author of Outlive and a respected figure in the field of longevity, has made a clarion call to action: "I’ve got to do something about this. I aim for my ALMI to be in at least the 90th percentile, if not above the 97th percentile as I age. The data are unequivocal: people live longer, better lives with an ALMI above the 75th percentile."

The Link Between Obesity and Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

The Link Between Obesity and Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

What is visceral fat? Unlike subcutaneous fat found below our skin, visceral fat is the fat below our abs and around our vital organs.

Why should we care? It is one of the worst places to store fat. Visceral fat releases proteins and hormones that trigger inflammation in our bodies. damages arteries, invades our organs, and creates serious health complications.