
The Link Between Obesity and Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

The Link Between Obesity and Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

What is visceral fat? Unlike subcutaneous fat found below our skin, visceral fat is the fat below our abs and around our vital organs.

Why should we care? It is one of the worst places to store fat. Visceral fat releases proteins and hormones that trigger inflammation in our bodies. damages arteries, invades our organs, and creates serious health complications.

Harness the Power of VO2 Max Testing

Harness the Power of VO2 Max Testing

If you track your carbs, time your laps and rarely forget your FitBit at home, you already understand the importance of collecting health data. But a test once utilized only in labs for elite athletes is now bringing more powerful fitness data to anyone, whether you’re a badminton buff or serial marathoner. The benefits of VO2 max testing reach far outside the realm of exercise—you can expect valuable insight into your risk for disease, energy level and even nutrition requirements. 

Is your heart showing its age?

Is your heart showing its age?

When you throw on some acid wash jeans, pull your hair into a scrunchie, or press play on that Rolling Stones playlist, some could say you’re “showing your age.” But science today indicates that our outward appearances and (sometimes vintage) preferences only tell us so much about what’s going on inside.