
Enhance Your Business or Practice with DexaFit


Personalizing It Is Everything

Use DexaFit to grow your business or practice and inspire life-changing results.



Get insights using the gold standard of health and fitness testing.


Keep more clients, attract new ones, and personalize plans with DexaFit.



Motivate and inspire with elite-level services that create a scalable profit stream.

Engage Them

"DexaFit helps me help my clients stick to our plan and stay motivated throughout the year. Personalizing their plan and tracking their progress with DexaFit is a way to visually keep them engaged."

- Camila P. CP Wellness

Show them 

Benchmark and personalize planning with DEXA and 3D scans

  • FDA-approved technology used to quantify their lean, fat, and bone mass, including  visceral fat 
  • Reveals imbalances in muscle symmetry and strength, flexibility, and joint mechanics

Personalize it for them

With Vo2max and RMR Testing

  • Help them optimize metabolic and heart health using the single best predictor of all cause mortality.

  • Spot sluggish metabolisms and find the precise level of exercise intensity to burn fat, maximize recovery, and optimize performance.

Simplify it for them 

Place the lab testing process in their hands, so they learn more

  • Blood panel testing kits show them their hormonal health, food sensitivities, and more
  • Microbiome and DNA screening kits let them explore their gut and genetic health

Your Business. Our Support.


Full-time Cheerleaders

Our team of experts are dedicated to your success. 24/7.

Boost Revenue 

Bundle our services into yours and host competitions that increase retention.

We Do the Heavy Lifting

You focus on your business. We take care of the testing. 

Rally and Inspire

Energize your members and clients with unique insights into their health.

Become a DexaFit Pro Today


Join our network of DexaFit Pros, and get referrals, discounted pricing, and more!


Experience The DexaFit Difference Yourself

Work with existing DexaFit centers near you. 

Become a DexaFit Partner location.


Everything Is Fully Customized


Include our services with yours. Get preferred pricing. Let us help you market your new solutions with our help.


Tell Us Your Goals

Personalizing a program? Need help? We perform the testing.


Comprehensive Baseline

We handle the logistics of scheduling, testing, and collecting the key metrics to track.

Turn Data Into Insights

Get the information you need to forge a more personalized experience for your people.