How Sleep Affects Your Weight And Performance

Do you know how lack of sleep could affect your body and its systems? Getting a proper night's rest is not less important than any other tasks you do, in fact, it might be one of the most important.
If you have been skipping sleep to innocently binge-watch a series on Netflix or staying up late to scroll through Facebook aimlessly, you are unintentionally hurting your body.
No amount of coffee can make you productive at work if you're sleep deprived.  And those aren’t the only issues with sleep affecting your body.
That unexplainable weight gain you're experiencing? Your lack of sleep could be partially to blame.  
We are about to reveal some essential facts about sleeping and suggestions on what you could do to improve it.

Read on to learn five ways sleep affects your body...

Woman Sleeping On Bed


1. Let Your Body Rest And Be Rejuvenated Through Sleep

To perform at your best and remain productive you just can't skip sleep. A decent seven-eight hour of sleep time is recommended to all adults even if you think you feel okay with a five-hour rest. Our body needs time to heal from all the work it does all day and prepare us for the upcoming day.  
You might try to override the system and think that you will be fine but doing so regularly will start to show its adverse effects in the long run.

This might be easier said than done when you’re feeling the pressure of unfinished tasks or the crunch on training time, but your mind and body will thank you. 

2. Lack Of Sleep Can Cause Weight Gain

Just as you were warned earlier, lack of sleep is only going to make your weight goals harder to achieve. Research has shown that lack of sleep releases certain hormones in our body that make us feel more hungry and as a result we tend to eat more. 

3. Sleep Deprivation Leads To Fuzzy Thinking

You just can't think right if you don't sleep - It’s as simple as that. You will be distracted much more easily than when you are well rested.  

Fuzzy thinking refers to the idea of not being able to think clearly about a topic. If you're a student, then concentrating on your studies could become difficult. By not sleeping for a full seven to eight hour period, you're potentially missing out on the level of productivity you could have.
Have you been thinking negatively or losing hope and feeling depressed? Listen to your body when it asks you to sleep and you may find your mood improving.  


Sleep Deprivation Confusion

4. Sleep Can Impact Your Metabolism

Just like the hormones that could make you more hungry due to lack of sleep, in the same way, your metabolism is also impacted. 
A slow metabolism could be the culprit for changes in weight. Lack of sleep could develop other metabolic disorders that you would want to avoid.

5. Sleep Is Critical For Sports Involvement

If you're involved with sports than this is vital for you to realize. An athlete needs to focus on his health a little more than the rest of us.
Lack of proper sleep could have its impact on your overall performance be it related to speed or accuracy. Know that your reaction time may get hindered as well.

If you're preparing for an upcoming sports tournament, schedule extra sleeping hours to prepare your body for the increased activity.  

How To Get A Good Night’s Rest  

Making sure your mattress is the right fit for you is important to getting sufficient rest each night. Your bed plays a vital role in your sleeping process.  A good mattress is one of the first invests you can make for a better night’s sleep.   
Here is a simple check list to follow for a better nights sleep: 
1. Don't consume caffeine within a few hours before you go to bed.
2. Turn the lights down low, switch to bedside lamps and close your curtains to minimize the amount of light that could disrupt your sleep. A dark surrounding signals your brain to get into rest mode.
3. Stay away from any device or screens. Reading books could get you hooked to the story. Instead, try to calm yourself down while you close your eyes.
4. Remember how important the right mattress is for your health. Your bed is supposed to be comfortable and supportive at the same time.


Some Final Thoughts for You to Sleep On

It's a common trend among teens and adults alike to skip out on the necessary amount of sleep.     

However, there's no hack to skipping sleep and still being healthy. Our bodies require sleep as much as eating. The next time you wish to skip your night's rest to do something else, think about the consequences and ask yourself if it's worth it.  
This article has been contributed by Stepheny on behalf of FeedFond. She loves sharing important health tidbits and take long satisfying naps. Check more of her work at

White Bed That Has Been Slept On