
Meet Your Master Hormone: Leptin

Meet Your Master Hormone: Leptin

All hormones play a crucial role in your body, but there is one that holds the skeleton key and is considered the master: Leptin.  You may have heard of leptin called the "satiety hormone" or "starvation hormone." It controls all energy metabolism in your body, and plays a significant role in fertility, immunity and brain function.

Sunshine and Sleep: How to Use One to Improve the Other 

Sunshine and Sleep: How to Use One to Improve the Other 

Good morning, sunshine!  Not a morning person? Don’t worry. You don’t have to be cheery about it to reap the rewards of rising early.  The health benefits of getting outside in the morning and catching some proverbial “rays” are substantial and well documented, and provide you with an easy way to boost not only your outlook on the day ahead of you, but to make an impact on your ongoing sleep patterns. 

Sleep, Metabolism and Social Jet Lag: How Circadian Rhythms Can Control It All 

Sleep, Metabolism and Social Jet Lag: How Circadian Rhythms Can Control It All 

In our blog earlier this month, we demystified the concept of circadian rhythm—that 24-hour schedule your body should naturally stick to. But what if it doesn’t? For those who suspect they struggle with circadian rhythm disruptions, the impacts are significant. Advances in genetic studies of circadian rhythms have led to the recognition that the circadian system is tightly coupled with processes controlling both sleep and metabolism.

Can Meditation Improve Your Mental and Physical Health?

Can Meditation Improve Your Mental and Physical Health?

We all know the phrase, “Take a deep breath.” Some love it; some hate it. But whether you’re angry, stressed, scared or all of the above, pausing to take a calming breath really can take your blood pressure down a notch. Experts say there’s even more to it than that. The practice of meditation can provide you with a sense of peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional and physical health.